Car horoscope for the week from May 20 to May 26


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  1. Auto horoscope from 20 to 26 May
    • Aries
    • Taurus
    • Twins
    • Cancer
    • a lion
    • Virgo
    • scales
    • Scorpion
    • Sagittarius
    • Capricorn
    • Aquarius
    • Fishes

Boys on the road. Their names are traffic cops. And they look angrily, they want to slow us down. Don't fine, peasants, don't fine, don't shove your crusts out the window to us. After all, life is not easy anyway, and the driver suffers. Well, about this is the anthem the drivers will have during this May period. At least drain the gasoline and pretend that you are resting behind the wheel and have nothing to do with the participants in the movement - but what, and we are nothing, we are just guarding someone's wheelbarrow, and no one knows where it drove. In general, this spring week will be calm - just look at the two-legged creatures that walk very carefully. Probably, they do not want to get an appointment with traumatologists - the doctors have a holiday today: the Day of the Traumatologist.

Auto horoscope from 20 to 26 May


Aries, the stars are amazed: it seems to be quite difficult to pass on the right, but newcomers on the tracks are apparently invisible. And after all, not all of them are born geniuses of driving, and they do not want to stick an exclamation mark on the glass - maybe they are shy. Well, even if they sculpted an interrogative - they say, tell me the way (oh, it could be, so they suggested, they also indicated the right direction, but only the censorship will not let it through). Okay, the car astrologers are chattering again - buckle up, step on the pedals and get ready for an interesting journey. And ignore the slowness of the pedestrians - they celebrate World Turtle Day (which seems to be celebrated every day of the year).


Taurus, who later left, also traffic jams - a fair statement, but it does not always work. And during this May period, no chauffeur's omens work at all. Even if you get out of the garage at night or early in the morning, you will still get stuck in some kind of traffic jam or run into a patrol in an unexpected place. Conclusion - leave the iron horse under the supervision of garage residents and hitchhike. And the guys from the traffic police will not stop, and pedestrians will not scold. And do not pay attention to the whistling two-legged - they have not gone crazy and do not represent birds, but simply celebrate the Day of the Heroic Whistle. It is necessary to teach the traffic cops to whistle - otherwise they, the poor, are waving and waving their wands, the muscles in their arms have already formed.


Gemini, gasoline has risen in price again, and oil cannot be bought either. And it became quiet on the ground, and there was no one else to steer. Quite a real scene from the future, but while you are still in the present, so save money for fuel - there will be a lot of travel during this May period. The iron horse is eager to fight and dreams of meeting and punishing the reckless driver who cut you off last week. But you really restrain the anger of your car and condemn this would-be driver without breaking the rules. And do not earn extra money this week as a private taxi driver - everyone is celebrating the day on which the decree was adopted to strengthen the fight against unearned income (a thing of the past, but it’s better not to risk it, and now they are strictly watching single taxi drivers).


Cancers, the car behaves predictably, pedestrians are also quite adequate, but what can I say - even the traffic cops this spring week are kind and understanding. So drive boldly, just glance in your rearview mirror occasionally. Someone strange after you settled down - remember if you quarreled with your neighbor in the garage and whether you called some road boor. And do not give a lift to the guys who are lined up on the side of the road with impressive bottles filled with a cloudy liquid - they are celebrating the Feast of the Gorilka Lovers. Otherwise, they will get drunk, they will bawl songs, the patrolmen will be attracted and treated - in general, it will be fun, but getting to the place with such passengers is rather problematic.

A lion

Lions, a kid in a nice uniform is standing on the road and waving his hand. Leaning towards the radar, his friend saw something - it is clear why. Slow down, it looks like you have exceeded your speed a little - well, how can you do that, because the stars warned that the patrol was being activated on these May days. Let's hope that it will manage with suggestion - maybe they will threaten with a finger, scold a little or ask for some "insignificant" service. But it is still advisable not to get caught. Better to take philologists with you - they have a professional holiday, Philologist Day, and even if they stop you, these smart guys will talk to any traffic cop (so dashingly that he will still remain guilty).


Virgos, is this where crackers come from? Seemingly normal guys, they are neatly dressed, their eyes are meaningful - neither give nor take a professor. Although, their "job" is to look so that no one suspects. Watch out for unfamiliar passengers, even if you are promised double fare (and in general, take money before the trip). And think about changing the color of your car - the iron horse has sensed May and wants to change into brighter clothes. You can depict stripes like a zebra - the traffic cops will be happy (they love noticeable cars). And it is better to choose a neutral black - and discreet, and unmarked, and stylish (although it will be hot, and the pigeon can miss and do a "white thing" right on the hood).


Scales, and the path continues again, the suspension knocks alarmingly, it remains to drive a little bit, the driver - you press the gas. Faster, even faster, well, they did not have time to slip through - the barrier closed, and the freight train will trudge for two hours, no less. What are they carrying there again - probably a thousand wagons. The stars even managed to make out the snide expression on the driver's face (or whatever he is called - a respected carriage-respected man). And do not enter into a dialogue with the beauties in wedding dresses who are lined up on the sidelines and are waiting for the princes in Mercedes. They celebrate the birthday of the presenter "Let's Get Married" - Larisa Guzeeva has an anniversary today. The iron horse does not seek to get married and is indifferent to the transfer - in general, drive by.


Scorpios, how do you distinguish between the gas and brake pedals? These gizmos are a wonder for the road stars, or it’s on the Milky Way - I jumped into the starship and drove to the place, no traffic jams, no traffic cops, no strange two-legged creatures. Although, as it turned out, there are enough so-called drivers on earth who cannot remember where is right and where is left, and they have trouble with parking. And why are they not deprived of their rights on the same day they are issued ?! By the way, find out where the suspicious squeaks come from - whether the ball joints are faulty, or some other breakdown has formed. Just do not give the wheelbarrow into the hands of unfamiliar locksmiths - they suddenly cheat on something, especially since during this May period everyone celebrates the Day of the Chemist.


Sagittarius, ah, machine, take it away from here as soon as possible, in this traffic jam they have lost all peace. And it is rather difficult for us to get to the garage, and again something guard looms. Everyone knows why he looms - he wants to talk about the weather for this spring week or talk about the new rules that you allegedly unknowingly violated. So ride these May days along bypass paths, you will think, there is no asphalt and a bump on a bump - even beginners are not afraid of such horror stories. By the way, do not get angry with passengers who are closely watching how you drive a car. Your style will still not be able to be copied - you are real masters - get out, dashing racers nervously smoke on the sidelines and envy.


Capricorns, windshield wipers save from the rain, air conditioner from the heat ... And who will save us from numerous cameras on the roads ?! It seems that they did not violate anything, but again the "letter of happiness" flew in. But do not be discouraged, this case can be challenged - however, you will spend so many liters of gasoline while you ride on all levels.It is a pity that the numbers cannot be smeared with mud, so they would drive calmly, overtake and cross the solid - beauty. But you dreamed and that's enough - pick up those poor fellows who crowded on the zebra and threw away their shoes. The asphalt is hot, and the two-legged ones without shoes - the guys celebrate their Walking Day barefoot. Well, at least a day of driving without wheels was not invented - the machine would be upset.


Aquarians, traffic lights on these May days shine only green - everything, as they say, is for you, so long as you steer and don't grumble. Just do not open the windows wide - our paths are too dusty, then you will have to spend money on the sink. Although, some chauffeurs do not bother - they will stand near the street pump and let's wash the iron horses. Free and fast. But you do not take an example from them - suddenly an evil pedestrian will pass by and express everything that he thinks about you and about the drivers of the whole world. By the way, about pedestrians - all two-legged people wear jeans. The guys celebrate the birthday of jeans - they are already 146 years old! Join in and sew denim seat covers - the wheelbarrow doesn't care, but the passengers are happy.


Pisces, the engine is going all out this spring week - take a break and give your lathered iron horse a break. All the same, you can't go around all the roads, and you don't need it - you have enough familiar tracks. Now you have learned all the alleys and back streets, but I wonder how the drivers who are in these places for the first time act ?! The navigator will not help here, asking for directions from passers-by is pointless - one will send to the right, another will send to the left, the third will show the way back from harm. Anyway, it's not your concern - steer forward and with a funny song. Look, even the traffic cops grabbed the batons, like microphones, and sing songs of Angelica Varum - the pop diva has a birthday today.

Cool car fun:
