Why gasoline is rapidly rising in price in Ukraine


Quite recently, Ukrainian motorists were outraged by the rapid rise in the price of gasoline by 1 UAH / l, but there is a high probability that in the next few days, after gasoline, food prices will start to rise. there is a high probability of a rise in price after gasoline and food.

Sellers will probably justify this by increasing logistics costs. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the majority of Ukrainians do not understand what exactly caused the increase in the cost of fuel and whether it will continue to grow in price.

Several days ago, a wave of articles circulated in the Ukrainian media, linking the rise in prices for oil products with the increase in export duties on oil products in Belarus. However, this idea was immediately rejected by Gennady Ryabtsev, the head of special projects of the scientific and technical organization "Psyche", who explained that export duties affect only the mechanism for distributing profits for the sale of petroleum products between the state and traders, and not their market price. it is worth considering the speculative rise in the cost of oil products from $ 30 to $ 40 per barrel, which only last week led to a 15-20% increase in fuel prices, depending on the brand. The second reason is called the devaluation of the hryvnia, since the fall of the national currency by 1 hryvnia automatically adds about 70 kopecks to the cost of fuel. In addition, one should not forget that with the arrival of spring, the demand for oil products from large transport organizations has significantly increased, and the rule that the higher the demand, the higher the cost, has not been canceled.

If you believe the experts, then all the factors that have been announced can cause the price of gasoline to rise by another UAH 1.5-2, which may happen before the end of April.
